Graduate & Continuing Ed Credits

Licensed in NJ by OSHE
NJ Center for Teaching and Learning (NJCTL)
New Jersey
- Graduate Courses
- Master's Degrees
- Add-On Endorsement Programs

Accredited by HLC
Adams State University
- Credit Transcription**

Accredited by HLC
American College of Education (ACE)
- Credit Transfer*
- Master's Degrees
- Doctoral Degrees

Pennsylvania ACT 48 Provider
- Continuing Education Credits
Please Note:
- Check with your district, state, or prospective graduate school in advance to determine if credits will be accepted.
- Students enrolled prior to 2020 interested in transcribing credits with CSU-Global, please contact
* What is Credit Transfer?
The procedure of granting credit to a student for educational experiences or courses undertaken at one institution that can be used toward a degree program at another institution. In this case, eligible credits from NJCTL courses can be applied toward a degree program at American College of Education.
** What is Credit Transcription?
The procedure of documenting college-level learning gained through other sources onto an official university transcript. This learning could include military experience, professional licenses, college proficiency examinations, or college-level corporate training programs. In this case, eligible credits from NJCTL courses can be entered onto a transcript issued by Adams State University.