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NJCTL Collaborator Wins Prestigious Award from World Bank
May 23, 2012

The New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning offered its congratulations today to Baboucarr Bouy, the permanent secretary for the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education of The Gambia. Bouy...... Read More

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Great study that supports the teaching methods of PSI and PMI.
May 17, 2012

Study: It's not teacher, but method that matters Who's better at teaching difficult physics to a class of more than 250 college students: the highly rated veteran professor using time-tested...... Read More

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"Technology can change education" by Senator Robert Bennett
Apr 26, 2012

Former Senator Robert Bennett (R-UT) publishes a column on the nature of the STEM crisis in the United States and how PSI-PMI presents a solution to this problem as he saw on his visit to Malcolm X.... Read More

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View our Brochure
Apr 26, 2012

Interested in knowing more about the New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning, or it's programs?... Read More

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"New technology and teacher training gets Englewood students excited about math"
Apr 17, 2012

Read the latest NJEA Review article about how Englewood math teachers are implementing PMI in their classrooms this year.... Read More

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Request for Fund Development Proposals
Apr 11, 2012

CTL is seeking proposals from individuals or organizations with significant experience and expertise in fund development to assist CTL in securing funds to support its mission and programs. This...... Read More

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Focus Group Participants Needed
Apr 02, 2012

Attention teachers of high school physics, science, engineering, and advanced technologies, and career and technical education.... Read More

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Argentina School Visit
Mar 28, 2012

Bob, Melissa and Rosanna were able to visit with a school in San Luis. Students were very excited to meet the NJ educators and hear more about learning Physics from Bob.... Read More

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Training at ULP in Argentina
Mar 26, 2012

Training continues at the University of La Punta in Argentina the week of March 26th. New mathematics and Physics teachers are being trained.... Read More

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