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Ideal Gases Presentation File


Nicholas Hudson • 1 year, 10 months agologin to reply

Slide 40 shows D (5.0 L) as the correct answer. The answer should be 3.3 L. The video linked shows correct calculation. Thanks, Nick Hudson

Nicholas Hudson • 10 months, 2 weeks agologin to reply

Slide 69 and 70: Conversion of 34 degrees C should be 307K. Slides show 317K. On slide 70 temperatures and answer needed corrected. Thanks, Nick

Nicholas Hudson • 10 months, 2 weeks agologin to reply

Slide 3, third bullet point, also needs to be changed from Temperature vs Moles to Volume vs Moles. The title on the practice problems starting at 16 needs to be updated also. Thanks, Nick Hudson

Susan Olszewski • 10 months, 2 weeks agologin to reply

Hi Nick, thanks for reaching out. We are looking at the issues you raised now!

Susan Olszewski • 10 months, 2 weeks agologin to reply

Nick, the presentation has been updated, and we will get new recordings done soon!

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