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Atomic Structure File


Lucas Marks • 1 year, 11 months agologin to reply

I have tried downloading the ppt version a couple of times and there seems to be an issue. The file downloads, powerpoint opens, and then I get an error message.

Melissa Axelsson • 1 year, 11 months agologin to reply

Lucas - our web developers are currently working on resolving some issue with our Powerpoint convertor. We hope to have the issue resolved soon. In the meantime you do have access to both the SMART Notebook and PDF versions of the presentation. - Melissa

Matthias Krieger • 10 months, 1 week agologin to reply

Hello! It seems that the Power point version of the presentation is still not working.

Susan Olszewski • 10 months, 1 week agologin to reply

Hello Matthias, I am having no problem downloading and opening the file. What trouble are you having with it?

Tyler Walcheff • 1 week, 2 days agologin to reply

Yes, The ppt is not working. PPT prompts you to repair the file and then when fails to repair. Unopenable.

Susan Olszewski • 1 week, 1 day agologin to reply

Tyler, please try again. We believe we've fixed it.

Melissa Axelsson • 1 week, 1 day agologin to reply

Tyler - thank you for pointing this out - it is now corrected and you are able to download it. - Melissa

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