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Atomic Origins File


Jonathan Vie • 1 year, 11 months agologin to reply

When I download the PowerPoint there is an extra black box behind every text box that I need to manually delete. Is there a way to get a power point version without that black box?

Audra Crist • 1 year, 11 months agologin to reply

Dear Jonathan Vie, Thank you for your comment. We have alerted our IT staff of the issue and will notify you of when the PowerPoint files no longer contain black rectangles behind the text boxes. In the meantime, I would recommend downloading and sharing the PDF version of the presentation with your students (i.e., file labeled as PDF above) while presenting to the class using the 1 slide per page PDF file with answer tabs pulled out (i.e., the last file w/in each presentation attachment page). If you have an interactive board in your classroom with interactive software (e.g., SMART Notebook, MimioStudio, and Promethean ActivInspire), then the first file within the presentation set can also be downloaded and opened via the interactive software program. Please let us know if more information is needed or any questions arise. Kind regards, Audra

Desiree Nemec • 1 year, 9 months agologin to reply

Can you upload a translated Spanish version of this unit? It is not available in the Spanish file, which starts with the next unit. Thank you Desiree

Melissa Axelsson • 1 year, 9 months agologin to reply

Desiree - unfortunately we don't have this available in Spanish - we have made some revisions since we last updated the Spanish version. - Melissa

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