
Students are more independent, more collaborative, and are better prepared for the assessments.
Raman Nadadhur |
High School Science Teacher |
Trenton Central High School
Raman Nadadhur is a veteran teacher at Trenton Central High School. He currently teaches PSI science courses.
What do students think of PSI and why?
Students are so happy that we are using PSI. They don’t have to take many additional notes. It’s web based, so they have the freedom to access it from anywhere at anytime. They can also retake a test if they do poorly.
What can you share about your experiences with PSI?
PSI creates a student friendly and interactive atmosphere that promotes the use of problem solving skills & collaborative learning.
How have things progressed this year?
This year, my students have shown a tremendous progress in the classroom. With PSI, they have become more independent and more engaged.
How are teachers using the many resources provided by PSI?
The teachers are collaborating with each other to produce some additional materials and determine how to present it in the class. We are using interactive SMART Boards, clickers, etc.
Do any other teachers in your building use PSI? If so, for which subjects/grades?
Yes, all teachers in my district are using PSI in grades 9-12. Subjects include Biology, AP Physics, AP Chemistry & AP Biology.
How did you learn about PSI?
My Supervisor, Mr. Tofte, introduced us to this amazing PSI Curriculum.
What was the biggest adjustment you made in your teaching when you switched to using PSI?
The biggest adjustment that I made involved switching from a teacher-centered atmosphere to a more student-centered atmosphere. I needed to learn how to use a SMART Board for instruction and activities, as well as the use of clickers for formative assessment questions.
Describe a typical day in your classroom.
As students walk into my classroom, they are presented with a thought provoking/challenging question on the SMART Board. It forces them to think outside of the box. Next, I conduct an interactive session to determine the progress of my students as they work through the thought provoking/challenge question. Then I go through a few of the presentation slides and explain the concept(s) in the lesson. Students can come up to the SMART board and explain their thoughts when questions and example problems arise. After that, I administer a mini-quiz of formative assessment questions that the students answer with their clickers. The students love this section of class as they get to see their own progress, and the progress of others. Sometimes, the formative assessment questions ask students to interpret a graph.
What is the most positive outcome you have seen with your implementation of PSI?
Students are more independent, more collaborative, and are better prepared for the assessments.
Share one thing that you have learned this year, that you will do differently next year.
I will have all of my lab materials in place so that students can start the lab activities on the first day of the course.
What do parents think of PSI and why?
Parents also praise the PSI curriculum. Students go home and explain how they are learning in a more interactive way. Parents have shared that their children have started to enjoy their science courses.
What’s the difference between PSI and other curricula?
PSI promotes a more collaborative learning environment. This frees the teacher from some of the additional preparation work. They can focus more on the art of teaching and passion needed to create a dynamic classroom.
What advice do you have for teachers adopting PSI now?
I would tell them that this is a great program, not only for students, but also for teachers. No matter where the teacher is teaching in the United States, the curriculum is going to be the same. Even if they are not certified in an area of science, PSI will train those teachers and get them certified.