
PMI is a rigorous curriculum that follows the Common Core Standards and prepares students for the high school curriculum and supports the emphasis on STEM.
Susan Nicolle |
6th grade Mathematics Teacher |
Wenonah School
Susan Nicolle is a 6th grade math teacher at Wenonah School. The district has been using PMI for 2 years. Wenonah is one of three districts that sends their students to Gateway Regional High School for grades 7-12.
What was the biggest adjustment you made in your teaching when you switched to using PMI?
The biggest adjustment I made when I switched to PMI was getting used to not using a textbook and becoming comfortable with a SmartBoard. This was probably harder for me than the students because they have grown up with technology surrounding them. I now love not having a book and having the entire internet available to me as a resource.
What is the most positive outcome you have seen with your implementation of PMI?
My students have become more organized. Since there are no text books, they keep a binder. Organization is a life-long skill that will help them throughout their lives.
What can you share about your experiences with PMI (or PSI)?
PMI is a rigorous curriculum that follows the Common Core Standards and prepares students for the high school curriculum and supports the emphasis on STEM.
How did you handle training?
I was trained by the previous sixth grade teacher. I recently attended a Users Group Meeting which was very informative. Therefore, I recommend attending a PMI sponsored training session.
What are your results?
Our school had very positive PARCC results and the students do well in the regional high school.
How did you learn about PSI or PMI?
PMI was already being used in my school, so I continued using the curriculum.