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Aug 27, 2018

Start Your Year Off Right! Top Tips for Using PSI® and PMI®

*  Get a jumpstart! Print the worksheets for the entire first unit and have them ready to go.

  • *  Have fun! Help the students build a love for math and science by playing the games and completing the labs. 

  • *  Don't skip the formative assessment questions. These simple questions should be used to drive your instruction.

  • *  Allow students time to explore math and science for themselves. Don't give them all of the facts up front. We want them thinking and investigating!

  • *  All materials are created to allow you to modify them to meet the needs of your students. You can enlarge the font size, reduce the number of problems on a page, add challenge problems, etc.

  • *  Mix materials from different grades. If you have students that need extra support, open the younger grade materials and add them into your current unit material. For those students that need to be challenged, use materials from the older grades. The website allows for easy organization of the different materials that you need.

  • *  Ask for help! We are here to help you along the way. Reach out to NJCTL with any questions or concerns. Team up with a fellow teacher and work together to prepare lessons. Ask parents to help with necessary supplies or to be an extra hand in the classroom during labs.
