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Jan 23, 2018

Online PD: Implementing a NJSLS-Science Aligned Curriculum, Opening Pathways to AP Science and Calculus

The curriculum and instruction requirements of NJAC 6A:8-3.1 state that all students must be educated in and demonstrate proficiency in all of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Science in all grade spans. However, many districts are unsure how to best structure their science programs to meet all of the New Jersey State Requirements while ensuring that students truly demonstrate college- and career-readiness in science.  In this workshop, we present curricular strategies and resources that will empower districts to accomplish the following:

  1. Ensure students are learning (and demonstrating proficiency in) all of the NJSLS for Science in elementary, middle and high school
  2. Incorporate Engineering Technology and Design into your science program
  3. Ensure high school students are meeting the graduation requirements for Science set forth in NJAC 6A:8-5.1
  4. Grow students' math skills while learning science
  5. Improve students' Algebra I readiness and outcomes
  6. Increase the number of students successfully completing calculus before high school graduation
  7. Prepare students to take AP science courses as early as 9th grade
  8. Increasing enrollment across more AP science and calculus courses
  9. Provide students with the opportunity to take 5 to 8 separate AP science and calculus courses before high school graduation
  10. Achieve all of the above while incurring no or few additional costs on an annual basis

Districts are at a critical juncture in the redesign of their science programs, and decisions made now will have long-range effects on the children of New Jersey.  We hope you are able to join in on the discussion of this critical topic.

Who Should Attend This Webinar?

This session is suitable for Superintendents, Principals, Curriculum Directors, Science & Math Supervisors, Pupil Personnel/Guidance Directors, School Counselors and Science Teachers who want to learn how to implement an instructional program that is aligned with the curriculum and instruction requirements of NJAC 6A:8-3.1 for the NJSLS-Science, meets the requirements of NJAC 6A:8-5.1 high school graduation requirements, and prepares students for AP science and calculus coursework.  Register today and join us at one of our online webinars:

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