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Feb 13, 2018

ONLINE PD: Growing Your AP Science and Calculus Programs

Learn how to grow your AP Science and  Calculus course offerings, student participation and student outcomes through an interdisciplinary approach, that raises student achievement, reduce social inequities, improve college readiness, improve post secondary participation and improve 5-year college graduation rates in your school and district.

In this workshop you will learn how to grow your AP Science and Calculus program as described above without the need for additional staff or an annual increase in instructional expenses.

Who Should Attend This Webinar?

This session is suitable for Superintendents, Principals, Curriculum Directors, Science & Math Supervisors, Pupil Personnel/Guidance Directors, School Counselors, Mathematics Teachers and Science Teachers who want to learn how to grow the AP Science and Calculus Program in their school.  Register today and join us at one of our online webinars:

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