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May 12, 2014

New Funding Source for PSI-PMI Implementation

NEA's Great Public Schools Grants Can Help Fund PSI-PMI Implementations

NEA has announced a grant program that can help affiliates across the nation strengthen education by implementing teacher-designed, technology–enabled instructional programs, including The New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning’s (CTL’s) science and math initiatives.

In discussing the Great Public Schools Fund, NEA President Dennis Van Roekel remarked, “It is time for us to accelerate the transformation of public education. Nobody knows better than educators what their students need to succeed in the classroom. Through the new GPS Fund we are providing the resources to put these plans in action and help ensure opportunity, equity, and success for every public school student in America.”

Because the fit between CTL’s programs and this grant opportunity is so tight, CTL will assist affiliates interested in seeking NEA Great Public Schools Grants (GPS Grants) to implement CTL’s Progressive Science Initiative® (PSI®) and/or Progressive Mathematics Initiative® (PMI®), widely considered leading examples of teacher-led STEM reform.

In order to help assure successful applications from affiliates interested in PSI-PMI implementations, CTL has prepared a guidance document which NEA leadership has reviewed and affirmed.

State affiliates, local affiliates, partnerships between state and local affiliates, or partnerships of local affiliates may apply for GPS Grants. Generally speaking, grant awards will be limited to a maximum of $250,000 annually for one to three years and may be used for professional development, equipment and technology.

Grants will be awarded using criteria that focus on ensuring successful students, accomplished professionals, dynamic collaboration, and empowered leaders.

CTL’s guidance document discusses the way in which each GPS Grants criterion relates to PSI-PMI implementation projects, to assist affiliates in shaping their applications. The document describes common implementation options districts have chosen and clarifies the roles of the parties including the local affiliate, the state affiliate, the district, and CTL. It also explains CTL’s professional development and endorsement training options and provides cost calculation formulas to make projecting the application budget simpler.

Deadlines are September 1, 2014 and January 1, 2015. CTL is already working with one district to craft an application. If you would like to discuss the prospects for a GPS Grant to implement PSI-PMI in your locale, or have related questions contact Dr. Rosemary Knab, CTL’s Director of Research and Operations at rosemary@njctl.org.

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