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Nov 16, 2017

Carts Collide for Maximum Learning Impact! A Workshop for CTL Physics Teachers Raises the Bar


A group of wonderfully dedicated CTL alumni and CTL physics endorsement candidates recently joined together for a dynamic weekend workshop at the Bergen County Technical High School in Teterboro.  Yuriy Zavortniy, a CTL Program Director, personally led two “refresher” labs with support from CTL Program Manager Josef Kariuki and active participation from all attendees.

In the first lab, carts were positioned to dramatically collide under various controlled conditions to demonstrate that momentum is conserved.  In the second lab, called “Projectile Motion: Target Practice,” participants shot marbles through vertical and horizontal hoops and calculated the marbles’ trajectories based on initial speed.  Both serious science and hilarity ensued!  

Perhaps most importantly, the workshop gave teachers an opportunity to talk about their classroom challenges and successes with PSI® and work together to develop a new standard for “best practices” with guidance from Yuriy and Josef.

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