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Introduction to Kinematics Presentation File


Leslie Withstandley (NJ PHYS-E 21-22) • 3 years agologin to reply

I am currently trying to access the smart notebook on my Mac (I had to search to find the software to download it onto a Mac!). I am currently having issues with the entire presentation loading and including all the bells and whistles that are typically included (namely the demonstrations). Can you please advise as to what I can do to remedy this? Thank you.

Melissa Axelsson • 3 years agologin to reply

Leslie - what operating system are you using on your MAC? What version of SMART Notebook are you trying to install? - Melissa

Ruth Hanson • 2 years, 11 months agologin to reply

I click on the link (www.njctl.org/notebook) from your earlier replies and get page not found. Tried downloading notebook from the app store, but it won't open the notebook file posted here. Where can I get the appropriate version of Notebook?

Melissa Axelsson • 2 years, 11 months agologin to reply

Ruth - try this link: www.njctl.org/notebook/ It is access to a word doc with directions that you can download. Are you trying to install it on a MAC or a PC? This will only work for a PC.

Melissa Axelsson • 2 years, 11 months agologin to reply

If the link doesn't work - try typing it into your browser and it will work.

Ruth Hanson • 2 years, 11 months agologin to reply

Thank you! Clicking did not work but typing it into my browser did. Thank you! And I am using a PC.

Melissa Axelsson • 2 years, 11 months agologin to reply

Great - it will work on on your PC - just do not update to a newer version of Notebook and it will keep working.

Sara Suico (Classes Only - MS SCI) • 2 years, 10 months agologin to reply

I cannot access the presentation.

Melissa Axelsson • 2 years, 10 months agologin to reply

Sara - there are three versions of the presentation currently posted. The first version is in SMART Notebook software. If you do not have that software, then you can download the PDF which is the second file. - Melissa

Nicholas Cartegna • 2 years, 9 months agologin to reply

Kinematics Presentation, 2nd Equation, third example has a typo: 34 m/s^2 in question and 3.4 m/s^2 in answer. Thanks.

John Ennis • 2 years, 6 months agologin to reply

Nicholas, so sorry we didn't reply. Thanks, the problem is now fixed. 3.4 is correct. John

Joan Yoon • 1 year, 6 months agologin to reply

Please help me explain this topic to my students. This problem is on Slide 158, #51. A dropped ball falls -8.0 meters. What is its final speed? Since the question asked for speed, it does not matter if the answer is a positive or a negative quantity. However, the 3rd kinematic equation has velocity as part of the equation, and the answer should be in a negative quantity since the object reached the ground from falling. The presenter explained that the answer cannot be in a positive quantity because the velocity is squared in the kinematic equation 3: (V final)^2 = (V initial)^2 + 2a(X final - X initial) The explanation makes sense. However, can you please help me explain why the answer is in the positive quantity when it should be in a negative quantity? Thanks as always!

John Ennis • 1 year, 6 months agologin to reply

Joan, this is a case where the math gives two solutions, and you have to pick one based on the problem. The down direction is negative - as both a = -g and delta y = final minus initial = (0-8) = -8, so the square root works - you get the square root of a positive number. BUT - the actual answer when you take a square root is plus or minus the square root. So, you get two solutions - 8 m/s and -8 m/s. Fortunately the question just asks for speed so it's 8 m/s. If it wanted a vector answer, you'd say -8 m/s or it's 8 m/s in the down direction. John

Joan Yoon • 1 year, 6 months agologin to reply

Thank you so much!

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