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Helping you remotely
and in the classroom every step of the way

No need to stress about teaching science, mathematics, or computer science.
No need to reinvent the wheel by piecing together materials from multiple places.

NJCTL has you covered.

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We are fellow teachers experienced in classroom and remote learning, here
to support you every step of the way. Our integrated teaching materials and online,
asynchronous courses ensure a seamless learning experience regardless of how the
year develops. With the same course content, delivered either remotely or in the
classroom, teachers and students can move flexibly between both.

Step #1 Free K-12 Teaching Materials

Comprehensive. Aligned.

Supports Live Instruction.

Free, editable materials are the foundation of all versions of NJCTL courses from K-12 mathematics and science to AP Physics, chemistry and computer science. These support live instruction, whether in the classroom or on a video platform, and can be used with the entire class, small groups, or individual students.

Live remote instruction is supported by our digital presentations that interweave brief direct instruction with sets of formative assessment questions to create a social constructivist setting.

Our broad range of free, editable materials and resources include:

  • Editable digital presentations that replace the need for textbooks and contain direct instruction with embedded formative assessment questions.
  • Unit plans that contain everything you need for lesson planning including standards, essential questions, formative & summative assessments, labs, and day-by-day instructional sequence.
  • Classwork, homework, and assessments that align directly to your instruction.
  • Physical and virtual labs with instructions for students and instructors.

Our horizontally aligned science and mathematics courses allow your students to use grade-level mathematics in the context of their science courses and vice-versa.  Their vertical alignment ensures year-to-year coherence.

To access these resources, click here.

Step #2 Student Self-Study Courses

Online. Asynchronous. Learner-centered.

These comprehensive courses are based on the same classes NJCTL uses to teach subject-area content to teachers. They include everything your student needs to learn middle and high school mathematics, as well as AP Physics, chemistry, and computer science. A full list of courses is available here.


While the delivery method is different, the content of these online, asynchronous courses is the same as that of the live instruction described in Step #1.


NJCTL’s approach to online learning is unique. Units are made up of a series of topics. Each topic is introduced with a brief video explanation. This is followed by a question to test their understanding. They are then immediately told if they are correct and given access to a video showing how to solve the problem. This is repeated through a series of questions that allows them to build their understanding. Once that topic is complete, they go on to the next topic.

Our self-study courses are hosted on our Moodle platform and include the same content and instructional elements as our free materials from Step #1 plus:

  • Automatic Feedback and Videos for Formative Assessment
  • Virtual Labs
  • Auto-Graded Quizzes
  • Student Progress Bar

The cost for these courses is $95 per teacher plus $7 for each student enrollment.

As part of NJCTL's effort to support teachers during this challenging time, an individual teacher paying with their personal credit card, will be charged no more than $500.

For more information or to sign up click here.

Step #3 Teacher-Facilitated Student Courses

Online and Asynchronous. Learner-Centered.
Monitor student progress, grades and activity.

Teacher-Facilitated Courses go one step further by providing teachers complete oversight of their students’ individual progress.

These courses include everything from Steps #1 & #2 plus:

  • An overview page to show student progress, grades and last login.
  • A grade book which includes auto-generated scores for quizzes.
  • Capability for online submissions of virtual labs and assignments.
  • Teacher-Facilitated discussion boards and direct messaging with students.
  • Course set-up, training and ongoing technical support.

The cost for each of these Teacher-Facilitated Courses is $250 per teacher, plus $250 per section. This includes initial set-up, implementation training, and ongoing support.

As part of NJCTL's effort to support teachers during this challenging time, an individual teacher paying with their personal credit card, will be charged no more than $500.

For more information or to sign up click here.
